Members’ Commitment to Excellence

A Workforce Dedicated to Your Needs

Commitment to Excellence

Safe Work and No Disruptions

Protecting our jobs requires a competitive edge for our contractors so they can send a clear message to companies – the job is going to be done on time, on budget with high quality, safe work and no disruptions. Our union can only deliver if each and every member is committed to excellence every day on the job.

What is our commitment to excellence?

Our Commitment to Excellence means:

  • No absenteeism
  • Timeliness – arriving at work on time, fit for duty with the proper tools and clothing, working a full day and keeping breaks to the prescribed limit
  • Superior productivity, safety and cooperation
  • Strict adherence to zero tolerance to substance abuse
  • No personal business conducted on company time (ie. Electronic Communication Devices)
  • Respecting company property, our employer’s tools and the tools of our co-workers
  • Following employer site rules, work procedures, policies, directives and Collective Bargaining Agreements

How do we honour our commitment to excellence?

We fulfill our Commitment to Excellence by:

  • Teamwork – every member working together with foremen and job stewards, on every task, to deliver a superior product in every respect
  • Compliance – our job stewards and Union representatives, working with the entire management team, will monitor and enforce the standard of Excellence

What happens if a member fails to honour our commitment to excellence?

If members are unwilling to comply with their responsibilities under our Commitment to Excellence, they will be brought before the Local Executive to explain his/her actions and if not resolved at this level, he/she can be brought before the Regional Council Disciplinary Committee. The Disciplinary Committee will take appropriate corrective action which may include imposition of internal disciplinary procedures, up to and including charges under the Carpenters’ Constitution.

Employ the safest, highly skilled Millwright workforce today. Make the wright move!